Tirages photo

Chamarande Castle Park:
Designing of site specific artworks and scenographic units in the park.
Giant photo prints, Play activity and functional spaces, signal units.

Chamarande, France.
From September 27th to September 28th 2008.
Maro Avrabou et Dimitri Xenakis.


Hanging photo prints on transparent canvas (photos of vegetation). 12 x 10 meters.

Tirages photo sur bâche: Chamarande

Designed space for Forum on sustainable development questions. Photo prints (200x240cms). 180 square meters.

Espace Forum: Chamarande

Labyrinth: Play activities for children. Artificial flowers. 750quare meters.

Espace labyrinthe éducatif

Signal units in the Castle's park .

Chamarande: Signalétique